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True Citrus

True Citrus Grapefruit


RRP: RM 23.9

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No Sugar, No Preservative

about this product

We deliver real fruit taste in every sachet! Made from real lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruit! Our products contain 100% natural ingredients and no artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, gluten or sodium. Every sachet is like a squeeze of real fruit juice any time and anywhere! Perfect for use in water, tea, beverages or in any dish that needs a refreshing and consistent burst of citrus taste INSTANTLY! No need to waste time cleaning and chopping fruits. In just seconds, True Lemon® keeps you truly fresh any time and anywhere.

All True Citrus Products:
-are made with ingredients that you can pronounce
-are made with citrus juices and oils (which is what gives them their fresh-squeezed taste)
-have low calories (0 to 10 calories per serving)
-have low sugar (0 to 1 gram per serving)
-contain NO artificial sweeteners, flavors, preservatives, gluten or sodium

How to use the product

True Citrus Everyday from True Citrus on Vimeo.

Keeping True 24/7/365

Enjoy Delicious True Citrus Flavor All Day Every Day.
True Citrus products are a healthy addition to any lifestyle! Made from crystallized citrus and simple ingredients, our products capture fresh-squeezed taste that’s convenient and readily available for your busy life. There are plenty of ways to use True Citrus throughout your day to add flavor, and support overall health and wellness.
Check out all these easy and delicious ways to add True Citrus flavor each day!

-Add True Lemon to a glass of water upon waking, to flush toxins and rev up your metabolism!
-Mix True Orange in with your smoothie for an extra boost of flavor.
-Sprinkle True Lime over Greek vanilla yogurt and top with granola for a healthy and indulgent key lime breakfast.
-Drop a few packets of True Lemon or True Lime into your bag before heading out the door to have fresh-squeezed citrus taste on hand at all times.
-Put a packet of True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade in the kids’ lunch bags instead of sugary soda.
-Boost immunity before you even leave the house with plenty of liquids and True Lemon!
-Mix True Lemon Peach Lemonade with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water to soothe an upset tummy.
-Drink a big glass of water with True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade to start the day with hydration, and to help become more of a “morning person.”
-Mix True Lemon or True Lime with butter for a flavorful kick to spread on bran muffins.
-Sprinkle True Lemon on partially used apples or avocados to prevent browning.
-Wake up your skin by mixing True Lemon with cool water and applying to your face. It will add natural radiance and soften skin. Remember to apply moisturizer with sunscreen afterward!

-Pour True Lime Watermelon Aqua Fresca into a water bottle to encourage drinking water throughout your workout instead of using sugary sports drinks.
-Use True Citrus products to freeze up some slushy treats for later (without added sugar).
-Sprinkle True Lemon on your tuna sandwich for a burst of lemon flavor.
-Out to lunch? Grab that packet of True Grapefruit from your bag and add to your water.
-Boost mid and late-day productivity with nutritious snacks made with True Citrus products.
-Make flavored ice cubes by adding True Lemon, True Lime, or True Orange to water then freezing in ice cube trays!
-Use True Orange Ginger Spice Blend to make a unique and healthy carrot soup.

-Lightly season a simple salad with True Lemon and olive oil.
-Snack on veggies and hummus made with True Lime Garlic and Cilantro Spice Blend.
-Make a big batch of True Green Iced Tea.
-Get a lightened sun-kissed shine by misting your hair with True Lemon and water before relaxing in the afternoon sun.
-Drink carbonated water with True Lime Limeade in place of that afternoon soda.
-Add True Lemon to canned sardines for a light protein-packed snack.
-Sprinkle True Lemon on fresh fruits like strawberries, watermelon, or raspberries for a sweet and healthy treat.
-Mix True Orange with water in a spray bottle, and mist the air for some citrusy aromatherapy when feeling anxious.
-Curb afternoon cravings by staying hydrated! Add True Orange Mango Orange to a big glass of water when feeling peckish.

-Mix True Orange with Greek vanilla yogurt for a healthy (and easy) creamsicle dessert.
-Substitute True Lemon Pepper Spice Blend for salt to reduce sodium intake.
-Perk up lettuce that’s gone a little droopy by soaking in cold water with True Lemon.
-Incorporate True Lemon and fresh herbs into a rub for chicken, fish, or pork.
-Experiment with vitamin and mineral-rich cabbage dishes and True Citrus.
-Mix a few packets of True Lemon into pre-made cake mix for an easy dessert with an extra punch of flavor!
-Combine True Lime Garlic and Cilantro Spice Blend with fresh mashed avocado for an easy and healthy guacamole dip.
-Refresh cutting boards after chopping onions, garlic, fish, or other strong-smelling foods by sprinkling with True Lemon and scrubbing with a sponge.
-Kitchen trash starting to smell a little funky? Sprinkle a packet of True Lemon or True Orange on top to neutralize odor until you’re ready to take it out in the morning.

-Share a True Lemon Blackberry Gin and Tonic cocktail with a friend!
-Use True Lime in a Pina “Nolada” for non-drinkers.
-Add True Lemon to your favorite cup of hot tea to wind down at the end of a stressful day.
-While watching evening TV, soak your nails in a mixture of True Lemon, coconut oil, and warm water. It will strengthen nails and softening cuticles.
-Substitute soda water with True Lime in place of tonic water and sugary mixers with your alcoholic drink when out with friends.
-Sprinkle True Lemon or True Lime on your bucket of lightly buttered popcorn at the movie theater.
-Mix True Lemon with water and baking soda and apply to teeth. Leave on for about a minute then brush off to whiten!
-Feel a tickle or soreness in your throat? Gargle with warm water and True Lemon to fight bacteria.


True Citrus Slushies


Get your blender ready: kids and adults alike will love this sweet and icy treat with their favorite True Citrus flavor! Recipe submitted by Carissa Newman.

2 cups ice cubes
1/3 cup water
1 tablespoon of your favorite sweetener (such as honey, Stevia, or coconut sugar)
1 tablespoon (the equivalent of 8 packets) of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, or True Grapefruit
Fresh sliced watermelon or cantaloupe (your preference)
Fresh mint, and additional fresh fruit, as garnish


Place in a blender and blend on low.
Blend on high until consistency is smooth.
Pour into a cup, grab a straw, and slurp!

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True Citrus Grapefruit 32s

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RM 23.9

RM 23.90

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