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What Is Paleo Diet? And How it will Help You!

by Faraaz | 11 Mar 2019

Diets have always been a huge thing in Malaysia. The people in Malaysia will often spend lots of money on certain products that are said to make you slimmer and so on. But many fail to recognise what the paleo diet is. For those of you who do not know this, the paleo diet is designed to resemble what human hunter gatherer ancestors ate thousands of years ago. Although it may be impossible for people to know what exactly human ancestors ate in different parts of the world, researchers tend to believe their diets consisted of whole foods. By following a whole food based diet and also leading physically active lives, hunter gatherers presumably had a much lower rate of lifestyle diseases, namely such as obesity, diabetes and also heart disease.

As a matter of fact, several studies have suggest that this diet may possibly lead you towards significant weight loss, this is without calorie counting and also certain major improvements in health. This article is mainly based around the basic introduction to the paleo diet and other essential information. There is pretty much no right way to eat for everyone and also the paleolithic humans mainly thrived on a variety of diets, which altered depending on what was available at the time and also where in the world they lived. Some maintained a low carb diet high in animal foods, while the others may have followed a high carb diet with lots of plants. You may consider this as a general guideline, not something which is very certain. You may try adapting all of this to your very own personal needs and preferences.

Next, we will be going over the basis of the paleo diet when it comes to what foods you should be eating and what foods you should be avoiding. Most certainly, you may consume meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, healthy fats and even oils. But you will definitely have to avoid consuming processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and also trans fats. The way the paleo diet helps your body is mainly when it comes to losing weight, and of course the fact that you are cutting out all the preservatives, chemicals and so on. The paleo diet is one of if not the most popular diets around. It consists of whole, unprocessed foods and it emulates how hunter gatherers used to eat.

Advocates of the diet tend to believe that it can reduce the risk of modern health issues, pointing out that hunter gatherers did not face the same diseases that people today do, such as obesity, diabetes and also heart disease. Many studies have shown that by following and keeping up with a paleo diet, it can lead to significant weight loss and also major health improvements. The paleo diet will promote consuming whole, unprocessed animal and plant foods like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, seeds and also nuts. It cuts out processed foods, sugar, dairy and also grains, although some of the alternative versions of the paleo diet do tend to allow options like dairy and also rice. Unlike most diets, the paleo diet does not revolve around counting your calories. Instead, it restricts the above food groups, because the all of them are major sources of calories in the modern day diet. Researches has shown that the diets that emphasise whole foods are better for weight loss and the overall health in general. They are more filling, have lesser calories and it will reduce the intake of processed foods, which are mainly connected to many diseases. Below are the ways how the Paleo Diet could potentially help you and your body.

For the most part, protein is the most important nutrient in order for you to lose weight. It may increase your metabolism, reduce your appetite and also control several hormones that tend to regulate your weight. The paleo diet encourages you to consume protein rich foods such as lean meats, fish and also eggs. As a matter of fact, the average paleo diet provides anywhere between 25 to 35% calories from protein alone. It also reduces your carb intake which is one of the best ways for you to lose weight. Over 23 studies have shown us that following and keeping up with a low carb diet is far more effective than traditional, low fat diets in order for you to lose weight. The paleo diet also reduces your carb intake by eliminating regular and the main sources of carbs such as bread, rice and even potatoes. It is definitely important for you to note that carbs are not necessarily bad for you, but by restricting your carb intake you can lower your daily calorie intake and that directly helps you in losing weight. In order for you to lose weight, you definitely have to reduce your calorie intake.

That is why it is important for you to choose foods that are filling, as they can prevent the feeling of hunger and then help you in eating lesser. If you tend to struggle with hunger, then a paleo diet could potentially be a great choice for you, as it is incredibly filling for your tummy. As a fact, studies have found out that the paleo diet is certainly more filling than the other popular diets out there such as the Mediterranean and even the diabetes diet. Besides that, several studies have shown that a paleo diet could also help you produce more hormones that will keep you full for longer after a meal, such as GLP-1, PYY and also GIP, compared to the diets based on traditional guidelines. The modern diet is one of the major reasons why obesity is on the rise around the world. It basically encourages people to eat highly processed foods, which are mostly packed with calories, low in nutrients and it can increase your risk of many diseases.

As a matter of fact, many studies have found out that with the increase in consumption of highly processed foods mirrors the rise in obesity worldwide. The paleo diet strictly restricts highly processed foods, as they were simply not available during the Paleolithic time period. Instead, it encourages people into eating lean sources of protein, fresh fruits and also vegetables and healthy fats, which are certainly lower in calories and they are also rich in nutrients. Just the same as highly processed foods, consuming too much of added sugar can be detrimental to your weight loss efforts and your health in general. It will add calories to your foods and is low in nutrients. Not to mention, high intakes of added sugar can and will increase your risk of developing heart disease and also diabetes. The paleo diet eliminates added sugar altogether and it will instead promote natural sources of sugar which comes from fresh fruits and vegetables. Although fruits and vegetables have natural sugars, they will also provide you with many essential nutrients such as vitamins, fiber and water, all of which are beneficial for your health.

It will also improve several other aspects of your health in many different ways such as reducing your belly fat. Belly fat is extremely unhealthy and increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease and also many other health conditions. Studies conducted have shown us that the paleo diet is very effective at reducing belly fat. Insulin sensitivity refers to the fact that how easily do your cells respond to insulin. Increasing your insulin sensitivity is an amazing thing, as it makes your body more efficient at removing the sugar from your blood. Studies have shown that the paleo diet helps increase the insulin sensitivity and it also lowers blood sugar. A paleo diet is also quite similar to diets recommended in order to promote heart health. It is low in salt and it encourages lean sources of protein, healthy fats and also fresh fruits and vegetables.

That is why it is no coincidence that studies have shown us that a paleo diet may lessen the risk factors linked to heart diseases such as blood pressure, triglycerides and even LDL cholesterol. Inflammation of your body is a natural process that helps the body heal and also fight infections. However, chronic inflammation is very harmful and it can increase your risk of diseases such as heart disease and also diabetes. The paleo diet emphasises certain foods that may potentially aid you with reducing chronic inflammation.

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