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What is Gotu Kola?

by Kevin | 25 Apr 2019

Centella Asiatic , aka Gotu kola , is an evergreen perennial from the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) or Parsley family. The ancient herb is commonly used in Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Gotu kala Apart from being used as a medical herb ,it is also used as a culinary vegetable .The above-ground parts are used to make medicine. The herb is known for its astounding benefits of the of Enlightenment and Longevity . In nature, form follows function. Hence, it is no surprise that one of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine’s most treasured herbal medicines, Gotu Kola reminiscent of the shape of the human brain. Thus , it plays an important role in improving cognitive abilities too . Here’s a list of benefits of gotu kala , prepare to be amazed!

1.) Improved Brain Function & Longevity
In countries and across Asia, Gotu Kola is known as a longevity herb. An ancient Chinese medical texts report that he died at the age of 256 years old and dedicate a significant part of his longevity to the use of Gotu Kola on a daily basis. Gotu kala’s life-extending properties are due to a synergistic combination of its extremely powerful impact on the mind, body and spirit—in every sense, the whole person. The plant’s benefits include boosting memory and reviving brain cell and nerve function to improving blood quality and circulation, restoring digestion and also speeding the healing of wounds.

2.)Skin Care
Gotu Kola is a wonder-plant that provides a wide range of benefits to skin as it is rich in amino acids, fatty acids, and beta carotene. Not only that, gotu kala includes compounds which have been found to help calm inflammation, soothe itchy or dry skin, stimulate the production of collagen, encourage new cell growth, and improve blood circulation to provide skin with anti-aging benefits. Gotu kola has an abundance of antioxidants and contains saponins which greatly improves the appearance of the skin. Many cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are interested in it because of its ability to diminish the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and other blemishes which is depressingly annoying.

This is because it inhibits the accumulation of scar tissue, which helps keep your skin beautiful, even after an injury or a surgery. Hence, it reduces major signs of aging which I’m pretty sure is a great news for all women .Additionally, it contains plant chemicals namely triterpenoid saponins that helps in skin’s healing ability by utilizing antioxidants to strengthen skin and increase blood flow to the healing site. Gotu Kola has been used to aid skin conditions like minor burns and psoriasis and efficiently reduces the appearance of stretch marks. It may also help heal scars by inhibiting the formation of scar tissue.

3.) Boosts Circulation
Gotu kola actually plays two significant roles in the circulatory system. First and foremost , the plant extract can defend and strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, which eventually prevents blood leakage and optimizes the circulatory system. Next , it stimulates the bloodflow , which increases oxygenation in different various parts of the body and the functioning of vital organs. This also alleviates problems attributed by poor blood circulation such as swelling, leg heaviness, and pain.

It is also proven that Gotu kola can improve circulation problems, such as fluid retention, ankle swelling, varicose veins, preventing blood clots in the legs, and mitigating the damage of blood vessels in people suffering from diabetes. According to a research, scientists tested a group of patients with diabetes and came to a conclusion that, after 6 months of consuming gotu kola , the risk of microangiopathy was significantly reduced in those patients and turned healthier.

4.)Detoxifies the Body
Did you know that Gotu kola has long been known as a mild diuretic and thus it stimulates the elimination of excess toxins, salts, water, and even fat from the body through urination. This process helps relieve tension on the kidneys and generally removes toxins quickly while keeping our energy up and our fluid balance even. According toan animal study conducted in 2017, gotu kola can be used to suppress the toxic side effects of an antibiotic called isoniazid. Isoniazid is used to treat and prevent an disease called tuberculosis. In a research , rats were given 100 mg of gotu kola for 30 days before they were given the antibiotic. These rats experienced less overall toxicity. Rats that experienced toxicity in the liver and kidneys resumed to near-normal levels after being given gotu kola .

Method: Consume 30 to 60 drops of liquid gotu kola extract 3 times per day continuously for 14 days. Dosages may vary for different manufacturers, so be careful and follow the directions on the bottle.

5.) Treats Anxiety & Depression
Gotu kola can effectively reduce anxiety issues as it reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, and increases serotonin and dopamine levels. It effectively decreases the frequency and severity of anxiety attacks .The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb can reduce the signs of depression and despair which eventually eliminates the Gotu kala is also referred to as the ‘Herb of Enlightenment’as it enhances spirituality and uplifts your mood. Gotu kola’s positive impact on brain function may also make it an effective anti depressant.A research from 2016 stated that 33 people with generalized anxiety disorder who were asked to take gotu kola as their antidepressant medication continuously for 60 days. They self-reported a significant decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression.

How to use: Consume 500 mg of gotu kola twice a day for up to 14 days at a time. You can consume to 2,000 mg per day during times of intensified depression.

As a conclusion , gotu kala provides a variety of benefits from mental health , physical health to skin care . Thus , consuming gotu kala is definitely a smart choice for our overall wellbeing .However too much of anything is never good. Hence , we should take right amount in order to attain all its benefits!

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