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5 Fruits You Need To Add To Your Diet!

by Stefanie | 13 Aug 2020

Fruits are a powerhouse of various nutrients. They’re loaded with tons of fibre, vitamins and minerals which work wonders on our overall health. Including fruits in your everyday diet is imperative to developing a strong immune system, which can keep a host of illnesses at bay. That being said, here’s a list of the top 5 fruits you should include in your daily diet to reap the best benefits for your health.

1. Berries.

Berries not only taste and look good but are in fact amazing for your body. They are incredibly rich in fibre and antioxidants besides being low in fat and calorie count. Therefore, they make great additions into a low-fat diet! Consume them in their whole form or incorporate them into desserts for that extra kick!

2. Apple.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Everyone’s heard this before and it can never be more true. Apples are a super-fruit that are rich in fibre, flavonoids and beta-carotene, all of which helps in increasing your level of satiety therefore preventing overeating. Soluble fibre which is present in an apple promotes a smooth digestive system which aids in weight loss.

3. Watermelon.

Everyone’s favourite summer fruit - the watermelon! With a high content of about 94% water in the fruit, this has been shown to help you lose weight too. Watermelon also helps to lower inflammation and oxidative stress due to its rich content in anti-inflammatory antioxidants like lycopene and vitamin C.

4. Orange

An orange is the perfect pick-me-up to boost your immunity due to its density in nutrients, especially vitamin C. With zero fat content, it’s always best to eat it as a whole to make the most of its immense fibre content as well.

5. Lemon

Lemons are also immensely high in vitamin C and a nutrient-dense sour fruit. This makes it excellent in helping to control weight. You can add some lemon juice into your water as a fun way to promote more water intake as well as burning calories at the same time. Lemons are also a good source of folic acid, which boosts your overall cardiovascular health.



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