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Meow, The Secret

by Stefanie | 1 Oct 2020

As a brand that motivates healthy living, our priority has always been to CARE. Caring for our loved ones, caring for the community and most importantly, caring for ourselves. We dedicate our brand entirely to acceptance. We always encourage our community to put their personal wellbeing first before anything else. Doing so provides a safe space for the nation to grow happily and healthily.

There is a certain 6-letter word that our community often shuns away from. Some only speak about it in hushed whispers while others don’t speak about it at all. The taboo surrounding it remains a stubborn subject among us and stigmatizing it only breeds silence. It builds a wall that many are afraid to break down, fueling fear and ignorance. Here at Signature Market, we’ve decided to break the silence. Let’s speak up about cancer.

In line with Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, we’re here to empower and spread awareness by going pink.

The fight against breast cancer is indeed a difficult one. It is physically and mentally draining not only for the patient but also for their loved ones. It creates a barrier between the patient and the outside world, forming a dark cloud that many are hiding behind though it truly does not have to be that way. Stand tall, embrace and accept yourself as the strong-willed fighter that you are because only in darkness can you see and reach for the stars.

Just like our feline friends, each and every one of us is blessed with such profound power. Through hard times, we have the power to express our STRENGTH and ELEGANCE in such a beautiful and HONEST way. Our vulnerability encourages us to be more accepting of who we are and who we are becoming. It allows us to grow to be better versions of ourselves because instead of fighting cancer, we are here to beat cancer.

Join us as we go pink with a limited-edition merchandise collection and giveaway of medical check ups. Together, WE CARE.



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