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The Power Of Imagination

by Stefanie | 8 Jul 2021

Growing up, we have encountered many instances that instantly bring us down memory lane. It could be visiting and driving through the neighbourhood you grew up in or reconnecting old relationships and friendships that once had a deep place in your heart. These moments are precisely what made our childhood a living dream. Perhaps your childhood home was once an exciting playpen for your superhero adventures with your best friends. The power of imagination in childhood is a truly inspiring place to start growing.

Imagination in childhood is a rather controversial topic to begin with. We have come across some unfortunate stories where children leapt to their death from a window ledge thinking they could fly, just like Peter Pan. Though this is truly heartbreaking, it is also somewhat of a tribute to the power of our human mind. It is a divine state we, as adults, have learned to cherish and it is also our responsibility to do what we can to protect and inspire the younger ones. With that, here is the importance of imagination in a child’s development.

1. Social skills.
When children role play or play pretend, it gives them the chance to learn and explore different relationships and interactions. Through the different characters they choose to play, they are also learning important social skills such as empathy and responsibility. It is a great way at testing their boundaries, cooperative skills and exploring social interaction.

2. Self-confidence.
Children are usually held back and tend to have little control over their lives. Turning to imagination gives them the power to not only develop self-confidence in their abilities and potential but also helps boost their self-esteem. It is empowering and liberating as it allows them to explore and express themselves the way they want to.

3. Creativity and communication skills.
Imagination and playing pretend brings out a whole other side to children’s lives. They are able to act out situations they see on a daily basis as well as those from TV screens or story books. They may impersonate their family members or their favourite Disney princess thus allowing them to experiment with language and vocabulary. It enhances their communication and strengthens their verbal and listening skills too.



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