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The Importance Of Family Engagement

by Stefanie | 15 Jun 2020

Parenthood is a beautiful new chapter in life. New roles and new responsibilities come into place as you welcome in your bundle of joy. It also welcomes a rollercoaster of emotions as excitement and self-guilt begin coming too. You thought you had it all figured out from reading pregnancy manuals and listening to your parents’ parenting stories. But the truth is, parenthood does not have any manual. No two people are the same, which is why family engagement is extremely important.

Family engagement is such a meaningful and simple process that is unfortunately sometimes missed out on. This process involves communicating between your family to figure out positive goals and value you strive to achieve for your family. Here’s what you can achieve from family engagement:

1. For children

Families are children’s first preschool and parents are children’s first teachers. Children are like sponges and have the ability to learn and absorb everything they experience when at home thus learning and growing from there. Therefore, creating a versatile learning environment through family engagement is an essential predictor towards a child’s development. Children who are well-engaged and supported are more likely to develop strong cognitive skills and have better expression of their self-values. Nurturing interactions within the family leads to self-confidence and upholding of cultural and familial identity. Children then become more aware of their roots and develop self-confidence as they grow older.

2. For parents

It is normal for us, human beings to yearn for a sense of recognition. As students, getting a good grade would be a sign of recognition for studying hard. Similarly, parents also need a pat on their back for their selfless lifelong responsibilities in raising children. Effective family engagement leads to safety, trust and encouragement which promotes the well-being of the entire family. Family engagement for parents can happen almost anywhere, with the most significant being at home. Monitoring and empowering children from a young age makes way for children to grow at their own pace, with family values in mind. Meanwhile, parents feel a sense of relief that the goals set are being practiced in the right path.



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