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Finding Joy in the Hard Times

by Stefanie | 21 Dec 2020

A year that began with a list of optimistic resolutions and achievable goals. We were all excited to embark on a new journey to bigger dreams and fonder memories. There was plenty to explore but none of us could have ever imagined having to face a pandemic.

The pandemic brought out the best and worst in human kind. However, we choose to look at it as a blessing in disguise. It showed us the true meaning of kindness and we learnt to not only be kind to those around us but also to ourselves. It made us grow mentally and spiritually, giving us a more wholesome outlook to life.

We came across many stories of resilience and strength and it has definitely shown us ways to find joy during this holiday season.

Here’s some simple ways to make the most of your holidays before we bid farewell to 2020.

1. Give yourself time.
We’re our worst critic. It’s completely normal to feel down. We all have our bad days that can last for hours, days or even weeks. There’s just not a timeframe for when you should pick yourself up and carry on. Be patient with yourself. Shower yourself with kindness and compassion.

2. See that silver lining behind your cloud.
You can’t grow without lessons in life. Believe that everything does indeed happen for a reason. The hard times you’re facing are simply the biggest opportunities for your self-growth. Life may not treat you fair at times but it definitely wants you to grow and realize your greatest potential. Accept these hard times, take a breath and remind yourself that something worthy is waiting.

3. Not everything can be solved immediately.
Fortunately, some dips in life can be fixed with a handy toolbox. However, some simply require time and patience. It can be tempting to want to solve the problems and hardships in life right away but in reality, you just can’t. They can’t be fixed because they need to be healed and healing can only happen when you accept your emotions.



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