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Does It Bring You Joy? Spring Cleaning 101

by Dhanya Parameswaran | 29 Dec 2021

The idea of leading a simple life as a minimalist sounds just as attractive as it seems, but the anxiety kicks in when people start to realise that owning less could be detrimental to their self-worth. Well, we are here to help fix that through these simple steps below which will eventually lead subconsciously to decluttering your life as well.

1. Snap a photo of the before and after

This quick and easy step is essential to tracking your progression. Pick a small area of your home which you would like to declutter I.E Kitchen counter or your bedroom, and take a photo of it. Quickly clean it off as diligently as possible and refer back to the previous photo. Once you see how much cleaner your home could look with just one small portion of it, you’d be more inclined to declutter the rest of your home.

2. Seek help from a friend

Have a friend go through your home and pick out a handful of items to throw away or donate to charity. If you defend the item, your friend has to agree with you on a firm reason, but if they don’t agree then it’s time to part ways with the item and carry on with decluttering them. No more looking back on items from the past and carrying your old burden into the new year.

3. View your home as a first time visitor

Forgetting what a home looks like from the owner’s point of view is easy, but have you ever thought about how staggering your home could look like to a new visitor? Try entering your home as if it were your first time there, then write down your first impressions of how clean and organized your home is and implement improvements from there.

4. Donate clothes to the less fortunate

It is important to recognize the abundance and blessings bestowed upon us by your family and very own capabilities of owning clothes that you loved once upon a time. Some clothes might hold sentimental value to you, but if it isn’t worn frequently enough or simply doesn’t fit you anymore. Then, it’s time to leave them in the better hands of someone who’ll appreciate your pre-loved clothes as it continues to bring joy to the less fortunate.

5. The 4 box method

Get 4 boxes, label them with: Rubbish, Giveaway, Keep, and Re-locate. Then, proceed to enter any room in your home and put your items accordingly into the labelled boxes. It is also important to note that you shouldn’t skip a single item, no matter how insignificant it may look. This step may take more than a week, but it’ll help you realize how many items you actually own after distributing them accordingly.



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