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How To Actually Commit To Your New Year's Resolutions

by Stefanie | 15 Dec 2022

We're only about 2 weeks away from the New Year. Can you believe it?

If you're anything like me and you love jotting down new goals and resolutions to go by in the new year, then you'll most likely feel a sense of strain and pressure to actually stick to it too. One of the main reasons why we tend to fail and fall out of these things are because we're simply making unrealistic resolutions for ourselves. Doing this, we overwhelm ourselves completely with trying to stick to it hence fail to build habits for success.

Step 1: Build Trust Within Yourself
It's important to to remember that you're only as good as your word to yourself. Do you often find yourself breaking promises and commitments that you make to yourself? If your answer is yes, then you've most probably lost trust within yourself. When you no longer have that trust, you lost your confidence too and unfortunately, this is not a solid foundation to build your resolutions on. Start small and make promises you know you will 100% keep and slowly build up on your trust.

Step 2: Go Small & Easy
Make your resolutions very small and easy so you'll actually have the confidence to follow through with it. Instead of telling yourself, "I will work out everyday of the week", ask yourself if this actually something you're able to commit to. Think of your day to day personal and work life. Chances are, if you're a beginner, you won't actually to do this. A more doable version would instead be, "I will work out once a month". Yes, it sounds measly and unimpressive but that's precisely the point because you know you can do it.

Step 3: Be Gentle With Yourself
Once you've accomplished the first 2 steps, you're likely to slowly build up on your resolutions. In that time, always remember that change and growth is a process. Resolutions mean that you're making little changes in your life and that's not easy. Don't feel disappointed if something didn't go as planned. Instead, acknowledge and celebrate the small wins you've made along the way.



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