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How To Have Fun With Yoga

by Stefanie | 20 Jan 2022

It is much easier said than done but life is truly much more fulfilling when you learn to enjoy and have fun with it. You will see yourself having a more positive outlook towards different things when you are at peace and enjoying every single bit of it − the good and the bad. So we are here to help you incorporate yoga into your new year by spicing it up with just that extra little bit of fun!

1. Smile.
Sounds simple right? Well, you would be surprised how yoga brings out another side to you. As you are in deep focus and concentration, trying to hold and perfect that pose, you are also unknowingly having a lot of tightness in your body and mind. Try to smile whenever you stretch. If you lose your balance, do not worry at all. Yoga is meant to be fun and relaxing so loosen up and enjoy the experience a little more.

2. Practice with a friend.
If we were to be completely honest, doing something new on your own is just no easy feat. You will find yourself searching for that nod of approval or motivational kick at the side and it may feel unfamiliar when you are surrounded by new faces. So bring along your friend to do this with you. It is not only great to bond but also an amazing boost of encouragement if you have just barely started practicing.

3. Groove out.
Obviously, this depends on the direction of your practice for the day. Most yogis often stretch and flow to a devotional and calming playlist in the background. It gives them just the right balance and enlightenment during their practice. At other times, for beginners, it could actually be quite the opposite. Try playing some of your favourite songs to jam out to as you are doing your yoga. Your energy will definitely be shifted to a more elevated and uplifting level.



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