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Coffee Alternatives You Can Try Now!

by Faraaz | 16 Apr 2019

Some people tend to love coffee, they really like having the beverage almost on a daily basis. But, many people have argued that in the long run, coffee may bring along not so good side effects for you and your body after all. There are plenty of coffee alternatives in Malaysia. Many of the people in Malaysia are trying to reduce and potentially quit the habit of drinking too much coffee and are always on the lookout for the better alternatives available to them. We cannot avoid the fact that coffee is the go to morning beverage for many people out there, while some others may choose not to drink it for a plethora of reasons. For some people, the high amount of caffeine found in coffee, about 95 milligrams per serving may cause them nervousness and agitation, which is also known as having the jitters. However for other people, coffee causes them to have digestive distress and even headaches. Many simply do not bother about the bitter taste or are maybe just too bored with their usual morning cup of joe. Whatever the reason is, in this article, we will be going over a few alternatives for coffee that you may want to take into consideration in order to quit that go to drink that you are always on!

Just like coffee beans, chicory root can be roasted, ground and also brewed into a delicious hot beverage. It taste a lot similar to coffee but on the flip side, is caffeine free. Chicory coffee is also a very rich source of inulin. This soluble fiber can help you with digestion and support a healthy gut by promoting the growth of the beneficial and good bacteria most notably such as Bifidobacteria and also Lactobacilli. In addition to that, it can stimulate your gallbladder in order to produce more bile, which may be beneficial for the digestion of fat. Chicory root may be available pre ground and roasted, so it is easier for you to prepare. Simply brew it like your regular coffee grounds, by using a filter coffee maker, French press or even the good old espresso machine. Use around 2 tablespoons of grounds for every 6 ounces or 180 milliliters of water, or you may adjust this ratio based on your preferences. Just keep in mind that chicory root may potentially cause digestive symptoms in certain people. Although inulin is proven to be great for your health, it may have certain side effects such as bloating and also gas. In addition, you should avoid chicory root if you are pregnant or breastfeeding since research on its safety under these circumstances is still lacking.

Many people recognize that matcha is a type of green tea made by steaming, drying and then grinding the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant into a fine powder. In contrast to having brewable green tea, you will consume the whole leaf. For this particular reason, you are getting a much more concentrated source of antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular. Many out of the proposed benefits of matcha are mainly attributed to EGCG. For instance, observational studies have suggested that regular green tea consumption may possibly reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure. Green tea has also been associated with being effective in reducing weight and body fat, as well as a lowered risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Matcha tends to have a fresh flavor, which some people may describe as an earthy taste. To prepare some matcha tea for yourself, you will need to sift 1 to 2 teaspoons of matcha powder into a ceramic bowl by using a fine mesh strainer. Then add in some hot, but not boiling, water and the water temperature should be around 160 to 170°F which is 71 to 77°C. Then stir it slowly until the powder is dissolved, then whisk it back and forth. A traditional bamboo tea whisk, which is called a chasen, will probably work best. The tea is ready once you see a light froth forming. You may also try adding in 1 cup or 237 milliliters of steamed milk or a non dairy alternative for a creamier matcha tea latte. Since you will be consuming the whole leaf, matcha is typically higher in caffeine than a regular brewed green tea and may sometimes be higher than coffee. The amount in each serving can vary widely, with a range of 35 to 250 milligrams per cup.

Switching up your morning beverage does not necessarily have to be complicated. Lemon water is also another great way to start your mornings. It is calorie and also caffeine free and it will provide you with an ample dose of vitamin C. As an antioxidant, vitamin C will tend to play a role in your immune system and it also protects your skin from sun damage. It is essential for creating collagen, a protein that will provide the basic structure for your skin, tendons and even your ligaments. Just one glass of lemon water per day, which is prepared by adding the juice of half a lemon which is 1 tablespoon or 15 milliliters to 1 cup or 237 milliliters of cold water. And this will provide you with 10% of your RDI for vitamin C. You may also try adding in some other fruits and herbs for a variety of flavors, such as cucumbers, mint, watermelon and also basil are some of the many popular options.

Yerba mate is a naturally caffeinated herbal tea which is made from the dried leaves of the South American holly tree, called ilex paraguariensis. If you are looking for a coffee substitute but you do not want to part with your morning caffeine, yerba mate is most certainly a good choice for you. One cup or 237 milliliters will contain roughly 78 milligrams of caffeine, which is also similar to the caffeine content which is found in an average cup of coffee. Yerba mate is also loaded with many beneficial plant compounds that will act as an antioxidant. As a matter of fact, a few studies have suggested that it may be higher in antioxidants in comparison to green tea. Additionally, it also contains several minerals and vitamins, which includes riboflavin, thiamine, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamins C and also E. It has an acquired taste, which may be described by some people to be bitter or smokey. In the traditional method, yerba mate is prepared in a yerba mate gourd and it is consumed through a metal straw, adding more water as you consume it. To make drinking yerba mate easier for yourself, you can also steep the leaves using a tea ball or simply purchase the yerba mate tea bags. In these cases, just steep the leaves into some hot water for about 3 to 5 minutes and enjoy your tea. Despite the proposed health benefits of yerba mate, you should always drink it in moderation. Studies have connected high, regular intakes of 1 to 2 liters per day to increasing the rates of certain types of cancer.

Rooibos or red tea is a caffeine free beverage which originates from South Africa. Unlike the coffee and other teas, rooibos is low in tannin antioxidants, which may be beneficial but it also may interfere with the absorption of iron. Despite a low tannin content, rooibos tends to provide a substantial amount of other antioxidants. However, the studies conducted are extremely limited. One test tube study has suggested that rooibos may potentially help protect against heart disease, while another one has found out the potential for reducing cancer risk. Rooibos has a longer steep time in comparison to most teas and over steeping will not result in a bitter taste. Instead, rooibos will have a slightly sweet, and fruity flavor. To make yourself a cup, use a tea filter to steep 1 to 1.5 teaspoons of loose rooibos for about up to 10 minutes. Optionally, you may also add in some lemon and honey to taste.

Kombucha is commonly made by fermenting black tea with bacteria, yeast and also sugar. The fermentation process creates a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, which is commonly referred to as a SCOBY. After the fermentation, kombucha will then contain probiotics, acetic acid and also antioxidants, all of which may have health benefits.

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