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Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do With Baking Soda!

by Faraaz | 19 Feb 2019

For the most part, many of us are unaware of what baking soda can actually do for us. Besides being used in the kitchen, baking soda is something that proves to work as a multi-purpose ingredient which can actually help you with more than just one thing. In Malaysia, people are always a fan of using one thing for many different purposes. The baking soda will most certainly prove to be something that the people will be able to implement in many thing in Malaysia. Baking soda, also commonly known as sodium bicarbonate, for the most part, is widely used in baking. This is mainly because it has leavening properties which means that it causes the dough to rise by producing carbon dioxide. Besides just using baking soda for cooking, baking soda actually has a variety of additional household uses and health benefits for you. In this article, I will be sharing a few benefits and also the uses of baking soda for purposes other than cooking.

Heartburn may also be commonly known as acid reflux. It is a painful and burning sensation that rises in the upper region of your stomach and may spread up all the way into your throat. It is mainly caused by the acid refluxing out of your stomach and going up your esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth. A few common causes of acid reflux are caused by overeating, stress and also eating greasy or very spicy foods. Baking soda can potentially help treat your heartburn by neutralizing the stomach acid. Try dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of cold water and then drink the mixture slowly to have the effect of it kick in.

Mouthwash is a great addition for you to start having a better oral hygiene routine. It has the ability of reaching the corners of your mouth and the crevices of your teeth, gums and even the tongue that may be missed by you during brushing. Many people tend to use baking soda as a replacement for mouthwash. It can certainly help freshen your breath and provides antibacterial and also antimicrobial properties. The recipe for making this baking soda mouthwash is pretty simple. Add in half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of warm water, and then you can start swishing as usual.

Many of us know what a menace these are. Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that may possibly form inside your mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores do not form on the lips and they are not at all contagious. Research carried out has shown that a baking soda mouthwash is actually a great way of soothing pain caused by canker sores. You can stick to and make the baking soda mouthwash using the recipe in the previous benefit. You should rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day until the canker sore heals completely.

Baking soda is actually a very popular home remedy for people to whiten their teeth. Many studies have also shown that toothpaste containing baking soda is actually better for whitening teeth and removing plaque in comparison to toothpaste without baking soda. This is more than likely because of the fact that baking soda has mild abrasive properties that let it break the bonds of molecules that stain the teeth. It also has certain antibacterial and also antimicrobial properties that can help fight harmful bacteria.

This comes as a surprise but, human sweat is actually odorless. Your sweat only gains an odor after it has been broken down by the bacteria in your armpits. These bacteria tend to convert your sweat into acidic waste products that give sweat its odor. Baking soda can possibly eliminate the smell of sweat by making your odors less acidic. Try patting some baking soda onto your armpits and you may happen to notice the difference.

Baking soda, also commonly known as sodium bicarbonate, is a popular supplement among many athletes. Some studies show that baking soda may potentially help you perform at your peak for an extended period of time, especially during anaerobic exercises like high intensity training and also sprinting.

During high intensity exercise, your muscle cells start producing lactic acid, which is mainly responsible for the burning sensation that you get during exercise. Lactic acid also lowers the pH inside your cells, which may even cause your muscles to start tiring. Baking soda has a high pH, which may aid in delaying fatigue, allowing you to exercise at your peak for longer period of time. For instance, one study found that people who consumed baking soda exercised for an average of 4 and a half minutes longer than the people who did not take baking soda.

Taking a bath with baking soda is often recommended for people to soothe itchy skin. These baths are especially effective at soothing itches caused by bug bites or even bee stings. Additionally, baking soda may also help you soothe itching from sunburns. It seems to be more effective when put together with other ingredients like cornstarch and also oatmeal. To make a baking soda bath, add in 1 to 2 cups of baking soda into a lukewarm bath. Make sure that the affected area is soaked thoroughly in the water. For more specific areas, you may try creating a paste with baking soda and some water. Make sure to apply a thick layer of paste to the affected area or areas.

Having stinky shoes is a common problem many people tend to face that can be quite embarrassing. Luckily, baking soda is also a quick and great remedy for freshening up some stinky shoes. Start by pouring two tablespoons of baking soda into two cheese cloths or even some thin pieces of fabric. The, secure the cloths by using a rubber band or some string and place one in each shoe. Then remove the baking soda bags when you want to wear your shoes.

Many people also happen worry about certain pesticides on foods. Pesticides are commonly used to prevent crops from being damaged by insects, germs, rodents and also weeds. Peeling the fruit is also for the most part the best way to remove pesticides. However, it also means that you do not get the important nutrients, such as the fiber, vitamins and also the minerals, found in the skins of many fruits out there. Interestingly, recent research has found out that soaking your fruits and veggies in some baking soda wash is by far the most effective way to remove pesticides without peeling them. One study has also found that soaking fruit in a solution of baking soda and water for 12 to 15 minutes removed nearly all of the pesticides on the fruit.

MAY WHITEN YOUR LAUNDRY Baking soda is considered by many people as an inexpensive way to whiten and also clean your laundry. Baking soda is an alkali which is a soluble salt that can help you to remove dirt and stains. When dissolved in water, an alkali such as baking soda can interact with acids from stains and aid in removing them. Add in half a cup of baking soda to your usual amount of laundry detergent. It can also help soften the water, which means that you may need lesser detergent than usual.

Unfortunately, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. It is often treated with chemotherapy, which works by slowing down or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Usually, the cancer cells grow and divide at a rapid rate. Some research has shown that baking soda could help by making chemotherapy medicines work more effectively. Baking soda may make the environment for tumors less acidic, which helps chemotherapy treatments. However, the evidence is scarce to preliminary indications only from animal and cell studies, so more human-based research is needed.

Calluses are hard, rough patches of skin which are caused by a longtime friction or even pressure. Activities that mostly cause calluses are frequent walking, gardening or even sports. While calluses are not necessarily serious, they may tend to cause pain and discomfort when pressure is applied. Interestingly, studies have shown that soaking calluses into a baking soda bath may help you soften them, remove any scales and also reduce discomfort.

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