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Signature Market

Blossoming Beauty Breakfast Bundle

(5 items)

RRP: RM 82.5

Member : RM 39.9 (Save 51%)

About This Product

Practising gratitude means treasuring the little things in life, because it’s often the little moments that make life big. Kickstart your day on the right note by incorporating simple rituals that truly spark joy - like enjoying a hearty breakfast!

Let your creativity flow with a selection of our best-selling wholesome breakfast staples as you whip up a quick but nutritious breakfast to fuel up for a productive day ahead. Immerse yourself in the ritual of preparing breakfast and feel your senses bloom to wakefulness with the aromas, flavours and textures. Tuck into a bowlful of crunchy peanut butter granola or take a sip of a nutritious avocado honey smoothie and really savour every mouthful like it’s your first. Life tastes sweeter when you take it slow.

This bundle includes:
  1. Avocado Honey Multigrain Smoothie Kit (30g x 2 sachets)
  2. Organic Energy Soy Milk (150g)
  3. Salted Caramel Macadamia Granola (250g)
  4. Smooth Peanut Butter (Sugar & Salt-Free) (100g)
  5. Free Gift - Peanut Butter Wooden Knife (1 unit)
*Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only, decorative items are not included.
*Bundle contents may be substituted with similar items of equal value according to stock availability.

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Blossoming Beauty Breakfast Bundle (5 items)

RM 39.9 (Save 51%)

RM 82.5

RM 39.90 RM 82.50

At Signature Market, we believe healthy living starts with what you eat and use. We take pride in sourcing only the best wholesome products we like and selling it at an affordable price. We believe healthy lifestyle should be affordable & accessible to everyone.

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